High School Positive Living Award, Inc
PO Box 533 | Fremont, Ohio 43420
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Dear High School Senior:
Sandusky County Positive People is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that awards scholarships to area graduating seniors who have overcome a major obstacle in their lives and have come through those challenges with a positive attitude. Through an outpouring of community and financial support, we are delighted to offer this opportunity again this year.
The Sandusky County Positive People High School Living Award online application form includes all scholarship application requirements. We invite you to complete and submit the digital application for this award. Please note the following considerations:
Applications will be available online
December 15, 2024 - Deadline is January 17, 2025
Digital applications are accessible from our website: (Scholarship tab).
Scholarship applicants must have plans to continue their education after high school, through any post-secondary education option.
Scholarships are available to any graduating senior residing in Sandusky County or attending school in Sandusky County (public, non-public, or home-school).
Scholarships range in value year-to-year, from $1000-$3500 or more.
If selected as a finalist, a personal interview is required. This interview will be recorded solely for the purpose of writing a story for the banquet which finalists will attend in May.
Applicants and parent or legal guardian (if under 18) must give permission for the story to be shared at an awards ceremony and with any press coverage. Signatures of permission are part of the application.
In addition to submitting the completed digital application, the requested attachment items must be submitted/uploaded digitally.
Application Closed
Application Deadline has been reached for 2025!